Passive Wealth Builders

Short Term Pain Equals Long Term Gain

August 15, 2024 Michelle Canbuldu Season 1 Episode 10

Have you ever thought about how you would love to make six or seven figures with an online business and live the laptop lifestyle but can't seem to find the time or put it off for another day and before you know it an entire year has gone by. Have you thought about what is at stake if you don't get a passive income stream going for your future? Tune in today to hear what happened to one woman who let life slip by and the repercussions she has had to face today at 66 years of age. 

Resources that might be of interest:

Brand Planner Workbook:

The Art of Manifestation eBook:

Would you like to learn how you can grow your email list without spending money on ads? If you're thinking of starting an online business or already have one and need more leads this masterclass is going to show you how to get a ton of leads from established entrepreneurs who will promote your business for free! Click the link here to sign up and join this masterclass today.